The right to life is a primary human right according to former Taoiseach, John Bruton. In a speech delivered at the Irish Catholic Doctors’ Learning Network Annual Conference in Swords, Co Dublin, last weekend, Mr Bruton said that the pro life case is that the right to life is the primary right, “because, without life, one simply cannot exercise any of the other rights. It flows from that that the primary responsibility, of the state, and of each of us as citizens, is to protect life.”
He also said the State by facilitating, and paying for, the taking of life, is abandoning one of its core functions which is to protect life.
Regarding conscientious objection, the former Taoiseach said “no person, medically qualified or otherwise, should be forced by the threat to his/her employment, or of criminal sanctions, to be involved in the ending of a human life, against his or her religious convictions.” He cited Article 44.2.1 of the Irish Constitution which, he said, “guarantees, subject to public order and morality, the ‘free…..practice of religion’”.