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French Senate committee says ‘No’ to proposed euthanasia law

Assisted suicide would be ‘inappropriate and dangerous’ [1], according to a committee of the French Senate.

On Wednesday, the Committee of Social Affairs adopted a report on the end of life that breaks down point by point the arguments for euthanasia and assisted suicide.

According to the new report, active assistance in dying is “an inappropriate and dangerous response to a diffuse and equivocal request.” It asserts that the “collateral damage” that would come with legalising self-determined death would be greater than its benefits. The report also presents a wealth of data, scientific studies and the opinions of experts who were consulted in about 30 interviews.

Furthermore, the report criticises the transitory nature of the polls, which allegedly showed great support for a new end-of-life law. In addition, it emphasised the risks of “pressure from the most vulnerable” and the “threat of a commodification o chosen death.”

Therefore, the Committee decisively warned against the end-of-life bill which Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo must present before the end of summer.