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Funerals, confessions continue in many dioceses

Many dioceses are continuing to hold funeral masses while individual priests are hearing confessions in person.

Last week, the diocese of Down and Connor, and Clogher, both cancelled funeral masses, with the latter also cancelling weddings, baptisms and individual confession.

On Tuesday, however, the Irish Government said up to 10 members of the immediate family of a deceased person can attend funerals, [1] burials and cremations, once social distancing protocols are followed. This applies to all funerals, including those who have died with Covid-19 symptoms.

The six West of Ireland Catholic bishops decided that funeral Masses can continue [2] but in accordance with the Government guidelines, and with younger priests designated to take over the duties of clerics over the age of 70.

Meanwhile, many individual priests are continuing to hear confessions. In Dublin, the Carmelites in Clarendon street and Whitefriar Street, and the Domincans in St Saviours are hearing confession by appointment. The latter have also advertised three hours of confession on Saturday afternoon [3].