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Harris’ new euphemism for abortion exclusion zones slammed as ‘divisive’

Minister Simon Harris’ rebranding of abortion exclusion zones as ‘safety access zones’ has been dismissed as ‘rhetorical game playing’ that is divisive and unhelpful.

The comments were made by the Pro-life campaign after the Minister announced a progress briefing on his plans to introduce legislation banning peaceful pro-life vigils outside centres that perform of faciliate abortions.

The briefing indicates a continued determination from the Minister to pursue his proposals despite an acknowledgement by An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, in April that the proposed new law was running into difficulties regarding ‘free speech’ and the right to ‘peacefully protest.’

Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Maeve O’Hanlon said they entirely reject the premise that an unwillingness to support the Minister’s plans to introduce ‘Safe Access Zones’ implies an indirect support for anything resembling ‘unsafe’ access.

“The fact that the Minister’s preferred description has moved from ‘Exclusion Zones’ to ‘Safe Access Zones’ also serves to highlight the fact that an attempt is being made to present the proposed legislation in more palatable language while the substance remains essentially the same.”