America’s prestigious Harvard University, founded by Puritan settlers almost 400 years ago, has a new chief chaplain and he doesn’t believe in God.
Greg Epstein, 44, took up the role this week, becoming the first atheist elected president of Harvard’s organization of chaplains [1].
He has been the university’s humanist, or atheist, chaplain since 2005 and will lead a group of more than 40 chaplains who represent some twenty different religions and beliefs including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
In response, Princeton professor, Robert George, said he was not surprised that Harvard would have an atheist chaplain as it long ago seems to have shed any Christian, biblical, or theistic commitments. “The same is true for most of its peer institutions. I suppose that these days it is officially non-sectarian, but surely its policies, practices, and guiding understandings, principles, and norms reflect secular progressive ideas broadly speaking, and Woke ideology more specifically. An earlier generation of secular progressives would have denied that their ideology was a religion and, indeed, would have insisted—implausibly—that they had left religion behind. . . . Perhaps Harvard is now being clear-headed and honest in recognizing that secular progressive/Woke ideology is indeed a religion [2]—for all intents and purposes the established religion of the University”.