- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

‘Have sex online’ to limit spread of virus, advises HSE

People are being asked by the HSE to not engage in physical sex with someone outside their household [1], if they are able, to stop the spread of Covid-19.

The new information campaign from the HSE and the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) says people should consider masturbating or having ‘phone sex’ or ‘internet sex’ to avoid close contact.

Called ‘Play It Safe!’, people are being informed that they should “only be sexually active with a partner living in your household”.

However, it says: “If you decide to be sexually active with someone living outside of your household, limit it to as few partners as possible, preferably one regular partner”. This contradicts social distancing guidelines.

It adds: “Consider masturbation or remote sexual activity (eg, online) as alternative to physical sexual activity with others.”

The leaflets will be available in pharmacies as part of “sexual health protection packs”, which also include a free promotional condom.