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Health Minister stalls on status of exclusion zones legislation

Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly has failed to answer a direct question a [1]bout promised legislation to introduce exclusion zones preventing pro-life protests or vigils outside of clinics or hospitals that perform or administer abortions. No country in Europe has a nation-wide law imposing such restrictions on the right to protest.

Green TD, Holly Cairns, had asked the Minister about the status of the so-called “safe access to termination of pregnancy Bill”.

In his written response, Stephen Donnelly said it was originally intended to provide for exclusion zones in the Abortion Act of 2018.

“However, a number of legal issues were identified which necessitated further consideration,” he acknowledged, also noting that since the abortion regime began there had been “a limited number of reports of protests or other actions relating to termination of pregnancy.”

He added: “Where problems do arise with protests outside healthcare services, there is existing public order legislation in place to protect people accessing services, staff and local residents,” he said.

Pro-Life groups [2] have taken the non-answer to mean that the legislation has hit an immovable roadblock and will not be resurrected.