Hillary Clinton lavishes praises on Irish youth for abortion vote

Hillary Clinton has lavished rich praise upon Ireland’s youth for campaigning tirelessly to repeal the 8th amendment. She made the remarks as she herself was lauded by Trinity College Dublin who granted her an honorary doctorate of laws.

During her 30-minute address, Mrs Clinton said the Irish abortion referendum was “an inspiring sight”.

“People flew home to vote from all over the world.  The airports were mini rallies, with cheering and colourful banners greeting travellers as they arrived from as far away from Japan, Australia, and of course America,” she said.

“And on the day of the vote, one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world was overturned, with nearly 87 percent of 18-25 year-olds voting ‘yes’.  It was an example of grassroots activism fuelled by young people, and a triumph of the democratic process.”

Ms Clinton is in favour of abortion being legal right up until the ninth month of pregnancy.