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Hospice group against “rushed debate” on assisted suicide

The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) has expressed concern [1] about the drive to make assisted suicide legal in Ireland. The organisation, which looks after people at the end stage of their lives, is opposed to assisted suicide.

In a statement they say the “Dying with Dignity” Bill that was recently approved by the Dail for committee stage was preceded by a “rushed and incomplete debate”.

The group have called instead for a “robust and balanced debate on the matter”.

The IHF believes the Bill, “is a seismic shift in legislative terms and its impact on all areas of society cannot be underestimated”.

“It should therefore receive the time it deserves to consider the rich and diverse evidence, views, opinions and anxieties of all the people of Ireland”.

The bill is due to be scrutinised in detail, and amendments considered, in the Oireachtas Justice Committee.