HSE advises Mid-West dioceses to defer Communions and Confirmations

A HSE letter has recommended to the dioceses of Cashel-Emily, Limerick, and Killaloe that they defer first holy communion and confirmations to September, to help curb the spread of Covid-19.

The Archbishop of Cashel-Emly Kieran O’Reilly, described the letter as “disappointing”.

In a response to local clergy, parents, guardians and school principals, Archbishop O’Reilly states that he recognises “ceremonies are already scheduled” and that the HSE’s recommendation “is disappointing at this time”. He does not say ceremonies should be deferred, but states that serious consideration must be given to the the HSE advice.

A letter signed by Dr Rose Fitzgerald, Director of the Department of Public Health Mid West, was sent on Tuesday, stating, “it is our view that these ceremonies should be deferred unit September 2021, due to the current high rate of Covid-19 infection in the mid-west region, [and that], by September most of those eligible should be fully vaccinated against Covid”.

Meanwhile, many priests in Limerick have said they are planning to press on with First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies despite HSE advice.