HSE spends large on promoting abortion availability

Almost €1 million has been spent by the HSE on advertising abortion in the first four years of the procedure being legal in Ireland, according to recent replies to parliamentary questions.

It was also revealed that the HSE has paid the money to the pro-choice MyOptions hotline.

In 2019, €434,754 was spent, while in the following years €149,177, €155,322, and €95,071 went towards the advertising and marketing strategies.

In response, Independent Deputy Carol Nolan said: “The fact that the HSE has incurred costs of almost €1m to advance the abortion agenda while leaving the promotion of positive life affirming alternatives to wither in silent media obscurity says it all. The message of death gets a government sponsored loudspeaker. The message of life is muzzled and muted. Where is the justice in that for unborn children and the women who are crying out for help to keep their babies?”