Many women are unclear on when the 12 week window to have an abortion for any reason begins, leading to fraught situations to get appointments, according to the Medical Director of the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) Dr Caitriona Henchion.
“There has been a huge amount of confusion regarding what 12 weeks means, particularly because, for example, the pregnancy tests that a lot of women get in the pharmacy actually give them an estimate of date, but they are counting from conception… the legislation is based on counting from last period, which means you immediately have to add two weeks onto what you thought,” Dr Henchion told the Medical Independent.
She said that this can cause “a panic” to try and get an appointment on time.
“And some of the hospitals are really, really helpful, but at the same time they only have a certain number of appointments and it is only certain days of the week. They may be full and they may not be able to take any more and they may not have any theatre slots available and you get into this very, very fraught situation of trying to find someone a place to go,” she added.