Ireland does not have the right to interfere with the values of African countries that oppose abortion.
That’s according to Franciscan Missionary sister, Miriam Duggan, who is also a medical doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with over fifty years experience working in Uganda. During that time she pioneered the country’s successful response to the AIDS crisis that garnered her worldwide recognition and multiple awards including a Presidential Distinguished Service Award here in Ireland in 2015.
She pioneered a system based on abstinence or fidelity and the HIV/Aids rate among young people dropped from 28% to 6%.
In February, the Government announced a new initiative promoting ‘sexual and reproductive health and rights’ as part of Ireland’s foreign aid. The Irish Times reported that the new policy would ‘likely’ result in the lifting of a ban on funding abortions.
Sr Miriam told Spirit Radio she hoped this would never involve promoting abortion.
“Africa has its own values of life. They look upon children as their wealth, their treasures,“ she said, adding: “I don’t think we have the right to interfere in their values”.