The body is examining Ireland’s compliance with the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .
Minister for Equality and Children, Roderic O’Gorman was in Geneva, Switzerland, leading a high-level delegation of senior civil servants to respond to the committee.
Hélène Tigroudja, a member of the body, said the 2018 abortion act placed “very many barriers, both legal and practical” to “safe, legal and non-discriminatory access to abortion”.
She said the three-day wait period was “a disadvantage for women living in rural areas, women in poverty and women experiencing violence [who] simply cannot return several times”.
She also attacked the rule that women carrying a child with a serious disability could access abortion only where the child was likely to die within 28 days of birth: “This is a problem for women who are less well off. They have to continue with their pregnancy … This is inhuman treatment and this is discrimination on the grounds of economic status,” she said.