Islamist threat against Spanish cathedrals provokes calls for more security

A threat against Spain’s Cathedrals has been issued by the Islamic terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) prompting calls for the country’s Ministry of the Interior to strengthen security at the sacred sites.

A poster with the label “Let’s slaughter” is being disseminated online in which a terrorist armed with a knife and an image of a Spanish cathedral can be seen.

According to the Spanish newspaper La Razón, the poster is accompanied by the incitement to “make the next news yourself and show your anger at what is happening to Muslims. Follow in the footsteps of your brothers who preceded you and sowed fear in the hearts of unbelievers.”

These threats come as major events are being held in some Spanish cathedrals, for example in Madrid and Seville, to pray for the health of Pope Francis, where a large number of faithful are expected to attend.