Last year saw more priests and religious suffering attack

More Catholic priests and religious were kidnapped in 2024 than in 2023 showing the continued danger facing the Church’s ministers, according to data collected by the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

In total, ACN registered 121 cases impacting priests and religious, including 13 murders, 37 kidnappings and 71 held under arrest. Ten of these incidents involved women, eight of whom were kidnapped and two arrested.

Michael Kelly, Director of Public Affairs for ACN, Ireland – which works to support nearly 6,000 vulnerable communities in 140 countries – described the figures as a “sobering reminder of the tremendous sacrifices and risks that so many priests and religious make to minister to those in need worldwide.

“Wherever you go in the world, you will find saintly and heroic priests, religious sisters and missionaries who live alongside vulnerable communities without fear for their own safety,” Mr Kelly said.