Religious street preachers in Leeds have been slapped with a new code of conduct after claims they have been using ‘hate speech’.
The Labour-run local council and West Yorkshire Police said the right to freedom of expression in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), ‘is a qualified right and may be limited to prevent disorder or crime.’
One preacher is appealing the new code as he thinks he is being ‘shut down’ from speaking and believes it is ‘out of the question’ that he would be barred from talking about LGBT issues.
He claimed his preaching was ‘thoroughly Biblical and in line with mainstream historic Christian doctrine.’
The code says preachers should: ‘Refrain from using homophobic language or any other hate speech.’
‘It is an offence under the Public Order Act 1986 to use threatening, abusive or insulting words with the intention of causing a person to feel harassment, alarm or distress,’ it adds.
Preachers are also told they must not use language which could be upsetting or alarming for young children.