Liberal Catholic decries anti-Catholic abuse

An Irish commentator who voted for same-sex marriage and to repeal the 8th Amendment, but is also a Mass-goer, has highlighted the amount of on-line abuse she receives because of her Mass-going.

Writing in The Irish Independent today, Ellen Coyne says: “Some of the nastiest abuse I’ve ever gotten online was from people on the left who were mocking my faith. In a truly secular society that has thankfully moved on from our traumatising past, I don’t understand how a person’s religion is fair game for derision”.

She also says that politicians should not be forced to disregard their faith when forming views on matters of conscience.

She says that too many people only see religion as “a corrupting influence on Irish politicians”.

Ms Coyne notes that it would be “egregiously cruel” for any TD to feel “under pressure to lie about the influence that religion can have on their personal principles”.

“But on an issue as profound as assisted dying, it’s right and proper for a politician to consult their conscience and consider the influence that their religion may have on that”.

Coyne is the author of ‘Are You There, God? It’s Me, Ellen’.