‘Liberal secular worldview seeks to suppress the Christian narrative’, says Bishop

A liberal secular worldview is attempting to dominate and suppress the Christian worldview.

That’s according to the Bishop of Cloyne, William Crean.

Speaking on the celebration of the centenary of the dedication of Saint Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, Bishop Crean reflected on Ireland today: “In the north of Ireland, the ancient divisions have eluded resolution.  In the south a liberal secular worldview seeks to suppress the Christian narrative”.

The bishop also said he welcomes the prospect of a new Church-State covenant.

“Too often the Church’s involvement is represented as an exercise in control and indoctrination.  Judging by the recent decades it has failed miserably,” he said.

He added that the Church’s goal is one of service to humanity through its understanding of the human persons unique dignity before God.  “It is in that spirit that those of us in leadership wish to go forward.  Not to control but to serve”.

Specifically in regards to end of life issues, he said it is “alarming when bizarre and extreme violence ceases to shock us or when suicide is perceived as acceptable and almost normal”.

“Equally is it not disconcerting when euthanasia is seen as a positive option?  In making these observations I am deeply conscious of the pain and loss of the families involved.  My concern is to raise the question about the nature of the society we are creating which we are keen to describe as modern and progressive.”