Callers phoned RTE’s Joe Duffy on Tuesday to share their “disappointment” and “anger” [1] after discovering this year’s An Post Christmas stamps did not depict any nativity scenes.
The selection of Christmas stamps includes Peace & Joy, Naughty or Nice?, Nollaig Shona, Ho Ho Ho, Sending Hugs and Love.
One caller told Joe he was “disappointed”, “angry” and and felt “betrayed” that the stamp selection did not have any relation to Christianity.
Another listener phoned in to say she was “embarrassed” by what they implied:
She said: “When I opened them I said oh my gosh what am I going to put on this envelope, and then I saw Naughty or Nice, and I thought could you just imagine the poor men getting an envelope like that coming through the post.”
A third listener said she felt the naughty or nice stamp was too sexual to put on a postcard.
She told Joe: “Well, just about naughty but nice on a post-it stamp. I think is just plain crass… I mean, it’s sex basically, isn’t it, you know, which is fine it makes the world go round and all the rest of it, but on a postcard? No.