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Looming threat to Christians in Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan has raised concerns about radical Islamism across the region [1], particularly amongst Christians.

In neighbouring Pakistan, Church leaders are concerned about the threat of terrorist attacks on churches. At a meeting between senior Catholic and Protestant leaders in Pakistan it was agreed that security at churches on Sundays would be increased. It is feared that the Taliban-affiliated Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other militant groups will be emboldened by the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and launch attacks on churches.

Meanwhile the situation for Christians in Afghanistan itself is worrying. Many Christians were unable to be evacuated on the US-led airlift. The former US religious freedom ambassador, Sam Brown, warned about a genocide being carried out against Christians and other religious minorities in Afghanistan:

“It’s a deadly and catastrophic situation and could easily lead to genocide.”

There have been reports of members of the Taliban going door-to-door in Afghanistan looking for religious minorities, including Christians.

It has also been alleged that the Taliban have been checking people’s phones for digital copies of the Bible and have threatened to kill those who they do find with Bibles on their phones.