Making telemedicine abortion permanent is ‘unconscionable’, says PLC

Government plans to make ‘at home’ telemedicine abortion a permanent fixture has been strongly criticised at the Pro Life Campaign’s National Conference in Dublin on Saturday

The practice had originally been sanctioned only as a temporary measure during the Covid outbreak.

At the weekend conference in the RDS attended by over 400 supporters, PLC spokesperson Eilís Mulroy said: “In addition to the dangerous and unforeseen consequences for women’s health of allowing telemedicine abortion to continue, it is also linked to coercive abortion practices, something the HSE has acknowledged as a reality. Only two weeks ago, the horrifying report came to light of a minor being locked in a room in this country and coerced to take the abortion pill. For the government to give its approval to ‘at home’ abortions as a permanent fixture so soon after this shocking story emerging shows a cavalier disregard for women’s health and an utter refusal to take steps to end the frightful and degrading practice of coercive abortion.