Malta rejects legalised abortion in ‘win for life, for mothers and babies’

Malta’s government has backed down on a bill which would have legalised abortion in the strongly pro-life country, instead opting for an amendment to clarify that interventions can take place when a mother’s life is in danger.

Pro-life organisations celebrated the news, with local campaigners telling Gript it was a “win for Life, for mothers and babies”.

The government revised a proposed amendment which originally sought to legalise abortion on health grounds which pro-lifers said could be interpreted too widely.

Local media had reported that the country’s president, George Vella, had told the government he would resign rather than sign the bill as originally drafted.

The reports were never denied and Vella had made his disquiet publicly known, repeatedly appealing for a revision of the text.

Health Minister Chris Fearne said on Friday that the bill would be amended so that termination could only take place where a mother’s life was in danger and all other treatments had been exhausted.