Massive pro-life election campaign launched in UK

A leading pro-life group has launched a General Election initiative that will be run throughout the UK in the lead up to election day on 4 July.

As part of the Vote For Both Lives campaign, Right To Life UK is mobilising voters in constituencies throughout the country to contact their local MP candidates and ask them to sign the Both Lives Pledge.

The Pledge outlines three policy changes that are designed to increase protection for babies in the womb and stop pregnancy discrimination for women – policies that will save lives by protecting and supporting both mother and child. The Both Lives Pledge asks MP candidates to commit to: (i) stop discrimination against baby girls by supporting a law change to clarify that sex-selective abortion is illegal. (ii) bring UK law closer to the laws in the majority of EU countries by voting to lower the gestational time limit for abortion. (iii) support women in the workplace by backing policies designed to stop pregnancy and maternity discrimination.

Independent polling by ComRes shows that all three policy changes are strongly supported by the public.