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Minister gets ‘hundreds’ of letters of complaint over proposed sex ed changes

Hundreds of letters have been sent to Education Minister Norma Foley by medical professionals, parents, teachers and school principals [1] over plans to include lessons on pornography and gender ideology in sex education classes at primary and secondary school level.

The correspondence was seen by the Sunday Independent under the Freedom of Information Act. The tone of the letters ranges from concern to anger, with some threatening to remove their children from classes.

One primary school teacher questions teacher-training videos on “how to socially transition a primary school child from a girl to a boy”.

The same teacher complains that NCCA resources also include books such as The Boy in The Dress and My Princess Boy.

A post-primary teacher says she is “deeply concerned about the graphic content” of books on the curriculum.

She says she will “remove my children from any classroom” that teaches any theory “outside a solid and scientific basis”.

She also says “teachers who do not believe in ‘gender identity’ should have the right to express their views without being bullied or called trans- or homophobic”.