A mother has asked the High Court to halt the artificial feeding and hydration of her daughter [1], aged in her 20s, who has been in a so-called ‘vegetative state’ for almost 10 years.
The mother believes the feeding/hydration regime is “cruel”, contrary to her daughter’s dignity and best interests and that, if her daughter could express a view, she would not wish it to continue, High Court president Mr Justice Peter Kelly noted.
If the mother’s application is granted, it will lead to the daughter’s death.
A related case was heard a month ago involving the same woman when her mother applied for a DNR order should any adverse problem arise with surgery she was about to undergo.
Now, the mother wants the court to make orders which would bring about removal of feeding and hydration “with the inevitable consequence that would have for any human being”.
Noting the mother has said she lacked the financial means to fund the application, the judge said he was glad that the HSE had said it will meet costs of her lawyers and medical reports under an agreement.