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Mullen bill seeks to impose age restrictions for porn use

A Bill requiring online providers of pornography to carry out strict age verification to ensure that under-18s cannot access their material [1] will come before the Seanad on Thursday

The Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill 2024 has been introduced by Independent Senator, Ronan Mullen, and co-sponsored by Senators Michael McDowell, Sharon Keogan and Gerard Craughwell, and three Government Senators — Fianna Fáil’s Erin McGreehan, Diarmuid Wilson and Aidan Davitt.

In a statement, Senator Mullen said: “We all know that access to pornography online is a serious problem for our society and especially for young people. It harms them and affects their development on many levels”.

While the media regulator, Coimisiún na Meán, is producing a Code and Rules on this matter, it does not make robust age verification procedures mandatory for online providers of pornography.

“Without separate primary legislation — including criminal sanctions for breaches, the problem will continue to be tackled ineffectively”, he said.