- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Natural population increase down 50% in ten years

The natural increase in population has halved in the last ten years, according to the latest figures from the CSO.

This tallies with Ireland’s trend of falling fertility rates and an aging population.

Last year, there was a natural increase of 20,000 people [1] in the State comprised of 55,500 births and 35,500 deaths. In 2013, the natural increase was almost 40,000 [2].

The figures were released in the Population and Migration Estimates for 2023.

While the natural rise in population was modest, the overall rise was 97,600 people which was the largest 12-month increase since 2008.

There were 141,600 immigrants which was a 16-year high.

Of those immigrants, 29,600 were returning Irish citizens, 26,100 were other EU citizens, and 4,800 were UK citizens. The remaining 81,100 immigrants were citizens of other countries including almost 42,000 Ukrainians.

Over 64,000 people departed the State in the 12 months to April 2023, compared with 56,100 in the same period of 2022. This was one of the highest figures of recent years.