New abortion law does ‘nothing to help women’, says charity

New legislation to outlaw prolife activity near facilities providing abortion does nothing to help women, according to a leading campaigner.

The new law will which is due to go into operation on October 17th makes even silent prayer within 100 metres of a GP clinic or hospital a criminal act.

“This draconian law will do nothing to help women in unplanned pregnancies,” said Eilis Mulroy, spokesperson for the Pro Life Campaign.

Ms Mulroy explained “this law criminalises any perceived attempt to influence one’s decision to have an abortion within a 100-metre zone of a premises where abortion could be provided. This includes every GP practice, maternity hospital, or family planning clinic in the country.”

“It isn’t about preventing ‘protests’, as it will criminalise the possibility of a woman receiving an offer of help when she might need it most.”