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New Argentinian Vice President seeks repeal of “disastrous” 2020 abortion law

The vice president-elect of Argentina has heralded a “new era” for the pro-life movement [1] and called for a repeal of the nation’s 2020 law that legalised abortion up to 14 weeks.

The presidential election was won by Javier Milei, an avowed anti-abortion politician, securing 55.6% of the national vote.

During his campaign, Milei vowed to launch a referendum on Argentina’s abortion law

His running mate, Victoria Villarruel, 48, and now the vice president-elect, is also an outspoken pro-lifer who has used her position as a writer and politician to condemn abortion and affirm the “right to life, because life begins at conception”, stating that her stance is not “a matter of religion” but of “pure biology”.

The congresswoman has also stated that she’d support a repeal of the “disastrous” 2020 law that legalised abortion up to 14 weeks, explaining that “there was a lobby here that was also promoted from abroad, abortion is big business and there is a lobby that promoted this issue”.