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New DCU course to train teachers on RSE

Post-primary teachers are being invited to sign up for a new course to help them deliver classes in sex education [1] to teenagers.

Dublin City University (DCU) has been selected to run a one-year post-graduate course in Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and RSE to upskill existing teachers.

It is the first specialist teacher professional development programme of its kind at post-primary level in Ireland.

The Department of Education is funding the course, so teachers will not have to pay any fees. Schools will also be funded for substitute cover to replace those attending the course.

Education Minister Norma Foley said the course would provide a pathway for progression for post-primary teachers interested in developing their skills in SPHE/RSE and would build capacity and leadership within the profession in relation to an important area.

She encouraged any teacher of RSE/SPHE who was eligible to avail of this opportunity.