A new report has found ongoing systemic discrimination [1] towards expectant parents of babies with Down’s Syndrome (DS).
• 69% of women were offered a termination.
• After advising they were continuing with the pregnancy 46% of women were asked again if they wished to terminate.
On receiving news that the baby had a high chance of having DS (greater than 1:150)
• 91% of women were offered further tests.
• Of those who declined further tests, 44% felt under pressure to test further.
• After advising they were continuing with the pregnancy 50% of women were offered termination again.
Nicola Enoch, founder of PADS is concerned that women “are making life or death decisions influenced by outdated and prejudicial views by many medical professionals.
“Expectant women are not given accurate information about the reality of life with Down’s Syndrome. There is very limited support and an overriding assumption to terminate. It is no wonder that 90% of women go on to terminate given these circumstances.