The new abortion law in Northern Ireland is an unjust law that everyone must refuse to cooperate with [1].
That’s according to a statement of the Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland that was released yesterday.
In it they say “no one is obliged in conscience to cooperate with any action permitted by this law which directly and intentionally leads to the killing of an unborn child. Indeed, everyone is morally obliged to oppose this law by conscientious objection.”
They add that all Christians and people of good will are obliged in conscience not to cooperate formally in abortion services, and the new “Regulatory Framework”, should provide all health professionals and ancillary staff the right to refuse to participate in any aspect of the delivery of abortions.
They write that conscientious objectors must be protected from legal penalties, disciplinary proceedings, discrimination or any adverse impact on career prospects.
They caution that Obstetrics and Gynaecology must not become the domain of only those doctors and other medical staff who are willing to participate in abortion services.