‘No staunch Catholics’ among today’s European politicians, says Cardinal

The decline of Christianity has led to a sclerotic EU, but even an imperfect one is better than none at all.

That’s according to the papal adviser and Archbishop of Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich.

In an interview he said Christians are increasingly becoming a minority and there is no way back to a Christian Europe, which has led to a lack of political ideas.

Eighty years ago, the construction of Europe was an explicitly Christian project; French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman and Italian Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi in particular were staunch Catholics. When asked whether there are no more Schumans or Gasperis today, Hollerich said: “To be honest, I don’t see any.”

According to the Jesuit, politicians today no longer have any convictions: “They read the polls and adapt their opinions accordingly.” This is a big mistake, both at national and European level. Hollerich: “The political dispute has faded into the background. Today, those who lead us no longer have a backbone.”

At the same time, the cardinal, who represents Europe on Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals, emphasises: “If I had to choose between an imperfect Europe or its absence, I would always opt for the European Union.”