- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Over 7,000 couples given marriage preparation by Accord last year

Over 7,000 couples over the whole of Ireland were prepared for the Sacrament of Marriage by the Bishops’ marriage agency, Accord [1], in 2023. Over four in ten (44pc) were in a relationship for between six and ten years before marrying. A quarter already had children.

The total of 7,262 represented a slight decline from 7,470 couples in 2022, but that was a catch-up year after the pandemic.

The majority of couples, 59pc, were in the 31-40 age bracket, while 28pc were aged 21-30 and 7pc were 41-50.

44pc had been in a relationship for 6-10 years, while 30pc were a couple for 3-5 years.

Only 6pc married within two years of starting a relationship.

72pc of the couples did not have children in their relationship at the time of marriage while 25pc did have.

8pc had children from a previous relationship.

Accord also released a revised and updated programme for marriage preparation which incorporated the latest developments in couples’ research and recent insights of the papal magisterium, particularly from Amoris Laetitia of Pope Francis.