There were 3,864 applications to the circuit court for divorce that year while another 1,238 couples looked for a judicial separation, according to the latest figures from the Courts Service [1].
In terms of divorce applications, the rate per 100,000 nationally was just over 81.
Ten counties exceeded that figure with the rate in Waterford highest of all at 102 divorces per 100,000 of population. Second was Carlow (97), followed by Dublin (92). The lowest rate was in Co Cavan where there were 54 divorce applications for every 100,000.
Dublin had by far the highest number of applications for divorce with a total of 1,233 couples looking to split.
Women were considerably more likely than men to apply for divorce. Some 55.8pc of applications – or 2,155 in total – came from wives.
Judicial separation remained an option for many couples with 861 women and 377 men applying in 2018.
The outcome of divorce settlements were most likely to include “extinguishing succession rights” with that a feature of 3,174 cases decided last year.
The next most likely outcome of a divorce was a pension adjustment order (1,869), custody or access orders (1,365), or a periodic payment to a child (1,208).
A small number of applications were also made for “nullity” nationwide with 20 such cases recorded.
Among the reasons allowed for a “nullity” declaration are mental incapacity, lack of consent, or that one or other of the couple is “incapable of sexual intercourse”.