News Roundup

Nuns’ contribution to Ireland ‘overlooked’

An English-based historian has called for a reappraisal of the positive contribution of Nuns to Ireland before memory of it is lost forever.

Writing in the Irish Times, Gillian O’Brien, a Reader in Modern Irish History at Liverpool John Moores University, said it is impossible to fully understand the development of Ireland without considering the significance of the female religious orders.

“Overlooking their contributions to communities across the country erases women (once again) from history. And there is an urgency about recording the history of the buildings and landscapes, their material culture and the lives of the women who lived in the convents before it is too late”, she said.

Ms O’Brien noted that convents formed the backbone of Irish Catholic society from the late-18th century until well into the 20th century.

“Many nuns attended university, many had fulfilling and varied careers. Female religious orders were significant as employers – of teachers and healthcare staff, of staff in the convents and of those who provided goods and services to the convents”.

She acknowledged the story of nuns and convents in Ireland is not black and white, but added that it is not sufficient to consider all nuns as cruel overseers of Magdalene laundries or as comic characters in popular entertainment.

She concluded with a plea that time is of the essence.

“The stories of the communities (inside and outside the buildings) must be recorded, and they must be recorded now”.


Teacher in Sardinia suspended for 20 days for praying with her students

A primary school teacher in Oristano, Sardinia, has been suspended for 20 days on reduced pay for teaching her students to construct a rosary for Christmas and for praying a Hail Mary and Our Father with them.

The Oristano school office’s decision of suspension was taken after two mothers protested. While other parents defend her, she said she will appeal the decision.

On 22nd December last year, Marisa Francescangeli showed her students how to construct a rosary with beads for the occasion of Christmas and told them “to wish the children a Merry Christmas by reciting two prayers with them,” she told L’Unione Sarda. In reaction to this, two mothers complained to the school principal. After the complaint, a meeting between the parents and the teacher was held. Marisa Francescangeli recalls: “I even apologised for the gesture, remembering, however, that at the beginning of the year, I had asked all the parents for permission to recite some prayers with the children. No one had been opposed.”

Despite this, on March 2nd, Ms Francescangeli was given a suspension notice for twenty days.


Russia bombed Ukraine church on Orthodox Easter, says official

A Ukrainian official has said that the Russian military attacked a church in Ukraine on Sunday as many Ukrainians were celebrating the Orthodox Easter.

According to Newsweek, Serhii Lysak, the head of Ukraine’s Dnipro Oblast Military Administration, shared details about the attack in a Telegram post on Sunday morning.

He said it had taken place in Nikopol, southern Ukraine, and left two people injured – a 57-year-old man and 38-year-old woman.

The attack also damaged several residential and farm buildings.

Lysak said the attack showed that “there is nothing sacred” for Russian forces.


Minister gets ‘hundreds’ of letters of complaint over proposed sex ed changes

Hundreds of letters have been sent to Education Minister Norma Foley by medical professionals, parents, teachers and school principals over plans to include lessons on pornography and gender ideology in sex education classes at primary and secondary school level.

The correspondence was seen by the Sunday Independent under the Freedom of Information Act. The tone of the letters ranges from concern to anger, with some threatening to remove their children from classes.

One primary school teacher questions teacher-training videos on “how to socially transition a primary school child from a girl to a boy”.

The same teacher complains that NCCA resources also include books such as The Boy in The Dress and My Princess Boy.

A post-primary teacher says she is “deeply concerned about the graphic content” of books on the curriculum.

She says she will “remove my children from any classroom” that teaches any theory “outside a solid and scientific basis”.

She also says “teachers who do not believe in ‘gender identity’ should have the right to express their views without being bullied or called trans- or homophobic”.


Netherlands to broaden euthanasia rules to cover children of all ages

The Netherlands is to widen its euthanasia regulations to include the possibility of doctors assisting in the death of terminally ill children aged between one and 12.

They already allow infanticide, or euthanasia for infants, of those under 12 months of age.

The new rules would apply to between five and 10 children a year who “suffer unbearably” from their disease, have no hope of improvement and for whom palliative care cannot bring relief, the government said on Friday.


Dictatorship in Nicaragua expels three nuns who were serving the elderly

In a new attack against the Catholic Church, the dictatorship of President Daniel Ortega expelled from Nicaragua three nuns who were running a home for the elderly.

The authoritarian regime expelled Costa Rican siblings Sister Isabel and Sister Cecilia and Guatemalan Sister Teresa, who were given 72 hours to leave the country.

The Nicaraguan General Directorate for Migration and Foreigners began issuing summons to various religious and foreign missionaries in late February.

According to local news outlet, 100% Noticias, new requirements are being demanded of such religious to remain in the country.

The nuns were in charge of the López Carazo nursing home in the city of Rivas in the Diocese of Granada, whose bishop, Jorge Solórzano, was reportedly notified by the dictatorship of the expulsion.


INTO Congress silenced members critical of gender ideology

The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) forbade a motion that expressed ‘serious concerns’ about the teaching of gender ideology to young children from being discussed at their recent annual congress.

The motion was put forward for consideration by the Gorey Branch of the INTO, but was ruled to be ‘out of order’ for breaching unspecified rules and for being ‘non-inclusive’.

The INTO Standing Orders Committee told the branch that the motion would not be considered as it breached the rules and objectives of the INTO and ‘did not uphold’ the ‘inclusive nature’ of the INTO. It’s understood that requests from Branch members, asking the INTO to tell them exactly which policies the motion was in contravention of, went unanswered.

The Gorey Branch wished to express ‘serious concerns in relation to the proposed changes to the RSE curriculum, with the introduction of Gender Ideology, as proposed by the NCCA.’

The members also called on the INTO to acknowledge that ‘Irish schools are already inclusive spaces,’ but that gender ideology has been deeply divisive in schools in both the US and the UK.


US Court imposes temporary restrictions on Abortion drugs

A US federal appeals court has reversed a series of Government decisions that had made abortion-inducing drugs ever more easily available over the last few years.

In its order, a three-judge panel for the Fifth Circuit partly overruled Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk of the Northern District of Texas, who last week declared that the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of mifepristone in 2000 was not valid, in essence saying that the drug should be pulled from the market.

But the appellate court did re-apply some restrictions on the drugs which had been lifted over the last few years, such as requiring that the pill be prescribed only by doctors, approving the pill for use only up to 7 weeks into pregnancy instead of ten, and requiring it to be picked up from a medical clinic or pharmacy in person rather than allowing it be mailed to patients.

The court’s ruling is an interim order until the full case is heard on its merits.


Court condemned for fining church $1.2 million over Covid-era breaches

A California Court ruled that an Evangelical church must pay $1.2 million in fines, including interest, for violating public health orders during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.

Professor Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University’s Medical School condemned the ruling. He said in a tweet:  “Throughout the pandemic, California state courts have flouted the 1st amendment right to freedom of worship, & ignored evidence-based medicine. This punitive ruling is outrageous, which the church will certainly appeal”.

Judge Evette Pennypacker rejected the church’s argument that the public health officer’s orders prevented it from exercising its religious freedom or violated the Constitution.

The church routinely held large, indoor unmasked services during the coronavirus pandemic despite the health orders that applied to every entity in the county.

The Office of the County Counsel said that wearing a mask while worshiping is is “a simple, unobtrusive, giving way to protect others while still exercising your right to religious freedom”.

“Unfortunately, Defendants repeatedly refused to model, much less, enforce this gesture. Instead, they repeatedly flouted their refusal to comply with the Public Health Orders and urged others to do so ‘who cares what the cost,’ including death.”


INTO in clash with Catholic body over gender ideology

Delegates at the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) conference have characterised as “insensitive” the opposition by a Catholic school management body to teaching children about transgender ideology. The INTO has previously produced videos in support of such ideology.

The Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA) said any move to teach primary pupils about transgenderism “would be counterproductive, generating unnecessary divisions in school communities where none now exists”. Gender ideology says that your ‘gender’ might be different from your biological sex. It can result in minors being given puberty blockers and sex hormones, and in some cases operations to remove organs such as breasts.

The CPSMA said that sometimes there is a ‘contagion’ effect as sometimes several children in the same classroom declare themselves to be transgender at the same time.

Delegates at the INTO’s annual congress in Killarney “condemned” these comments and welcomed the “timely review” of the 20-year-old relationships and sexual education curriculum which may result in gender ideology being taught.

INTO General Secretary John Boyle said, “Schools should and must be inclusive to all. As a union, we are, and will remain an unapologetic advocate for equality”.