News Roundup

NI disability abortion bill unlikely to proceed 

A Bill to ban abortions for non-fatal disabilities is unlikely to be made into law after preliminary votes were lost in the Northern Ireland Assembly yesterday.

A group of MLAs opposed to the proposed change tabled two wrecking amendments to the Bill which were passed by 45 to 43. This means that the Bill will be unlikely to proceed any further at the Assembly.

The loss follows the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill passing Committee Stage at the Northern Ireland Assembly, after 99% of the 9,125 submissions to a Northern Ireland Committee for Health consultation on the Bill supported the proposed law change.

Currently, abortion is legal under the Northern Ireland regulations right up to birth, based solely on a primary diagnosis of disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, cleft palate, cleft lip or club foot, although the law is not in full operation yet.

Lynn Murray, spokesperson for Don’t Screen Us Out and mother of Rachel who has Down’s syndrome, said: “As a mother of a daughter with Down’s syndrome, it is devastating to see that this important piece of legislation is unlikely to proceed further at Stormont.


UK triplets to have three men listed as parents on birth certificate

Three men in the UK who commissioned a surrogate to have triplets for them will all be named as “parents” on the birth certificate.

Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, his same-sex fiance Scott Hutchinson, and ex-husband Tony already have six children. Their bill for eggs, donor IVF and surrogacy exceeds one million pounds. Critics say the use of gametes in this way deliberately breaks the natural ties, and can deprive a child of either a mother or a father. Commercial surrogacy is banned in many countries on the grounds that it exploits low-income women and ‘commodifies’ children.

The triplets are set to be born in the UK next year after a surrogate in America was inseminated with three IVF embryo’s.

Two of the embryos – which have been kept frozen for 22 years – are the offspring of Barrie and Tony that are part of a group of embryos which produced their three eldest children Saffron, 22, Aspen, 22 and a son named Orlando, 17. ‘Surplus’ embryos are often destroyed in the end.

The third embryo is the biological twin of Barrie and Scott’s 15-month-old daughter Valentina.

Drewitt-Barlow and his former spouse previously became Europe’s first same-sex couple to use a surrogate after they went to court to be allowed to have same-sex parents on birth certificates in a historic case for LGBTQ+ families.

Welsh government accused of erasing biology from school Sex-Ed curriculum

The Welsh government has been accused of attempting to erase biological sex from the education curriculum after publishing draft guidance that makes no mention of the terms male or female.

The Relationships and Sexuality Education Code, which also did not explicitly reference “boys” or “girls”, is due to be debated for 30 minutes in the Senedd today, before becoming mandatory teaching for children aged three to six.

“This is not fact-based biologically accurate sex education, but indoctrination of children in gender identity ideology,” said Stephanie Davies-Arai of the Transgender Trend campaign group. “The erasure of sex undermines safeguarding and erodes the concepts of privacy, boundaries and consent, putting girls particularly at risk.”


French Interior Minister condemns threats against Catholics during procession

France’s Interior Minister on Saturday condemned threats made against Catholics taking part in a Marian procession in the western suburbs of Paris.

Gérald Darmanin deplored what he said were “unacceptable acts” during a torchlight procession in Nanterre on Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

“Freedom of worship must be able to be exercised in all serenity in our country,” he wrote on his Twitter account on Dec. 11, expressing “support for Catholics in France.”

The French daily Le Figaro reported that on Wednesday evening around 30 Catholics were due to depart on an annual procession along a route approved by the local authorities.

Jean-Marc Sertillange, a permanent deacon at Sainte-Marie-des-Fontenelles, told Le Figaro: “But shortly after 7 p.m., and while we had advanced only a few hundred meters, a band of unknown people on the path verbally attacked us at the time of the first prayer station.”

The newspaper reported that the threats included cries of “Kafirs,” an Arabic term meaning “infidels,” and “Wallah [I swear] on the Quran I will cut your throat.”

“They then threw water on us, then grabbed one of the torches which they then threw in our direction,” Sertillange said.


Mexican bishops convicted for denouncing pro-abortion, socialist government

Two Mexican cardinals, a bishop, and three priests have been convicted of constitutional violations for warning the public against the ruling party’s opposition to the values of human life and family, their advocacy of the LGBT agenda, and their promotion of socialism.

The decision was handed down on November 18 by Mexico’s national Electoral Tribunal in response to a lawsuit filed by Mexico’s ruling socialist party.

One of the tribunal judges, Villafuerte Coello, denounced the accused clerics for encouraging Catholics “to pray and ask God to illuminate them when they vote,” in a video transmission of her statements during the proceedings.

“Of course that mustn’t be permitted,” said Cuello. “Votes aren’t celestial or spiritual things. This is about deciding votes with knowledge, with information, apart from pondering other things and this is just what must be respected, because celestial inspiration is not going to cause the best people to be in popularly elected positions. It’s logical.”

Mexican cardinals and bishops convicted for denouncing pro-abortion, socialist government


China stresses more Marxism, tightening control of religion

The Chinese Communist Party’s national conference on religious affairs headed by President Xi Jinping has stressed the strict implementation of Marxist policies, increased online surveillance and tightening control of religion to ensure national security.

During the conference in Beijing on Dec. 3-4, Xi emphasised the importance of “upholding the principle of developing religions in the Chinese context and providing active guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society,” according to a statement from the CCP.

Xi said China would further promote the Sinicization of religion, with a focus on strengthening control of online religious affairs, and insisted that all religious activities must be conducted within the boundary of the law, reports Xinhua news agency.


Foetal Pain Relief Bill goes to Second Stage in Dáil next week

A bill to ensure unborn babies about to undergo late-term abortions receive pain relief is due to be debated this coming week. It comes as Leo Varadkar suggested to the Dail on Thursday that the possibility of extending abortion to cover non-fatal foetal abnormalities could be considered in the future, along with bans on pro-life vigils outside medical centres, and a reduction in the three-day waiting time before receiving an abortion.

The Foetal Pain Relief Bill 2021, introduced by Carol Nolan TD and co-sponsored by ten other deputies, is progressing next Wednesday to Second Stage in the Dáil, where it will be debated and voted on during Private Members time.

Scientific evidence clearly shows that unborn babies feel pain, with the most recent research suggesting it occurs much earlier than 20 weeks. Under Ireland’s current abortion law, there is no requirement on those performing abortions to give precautionary pain relief to an unborn baby, despite the fact that the law permits late-term abortions in certain circumstances.

The news was welcomed by the Pro-Life Campaign who said the Bill is a modest measure that simply seeks to ensure that no baby is forced to endure unnecessary pain as his or her life is being ended. “It’s important to recall that the Dáil passed legislation in 2013 obligating vets to administer pain relief to animals before any procedure takes place that may cause an animal suffering or distress. It is an affront to human decency that babies about to be aborted are treated less humanely than animals,” he said.


Senator decries China’s ‘mistreatment’ of Christians

A senator has criticised the Chinese government’s regulations on religion which he says are leading to “churches being raided and closed”.

Speaking in the Seanad, Independent Senator Victor Boyhan called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney to publicly express concern regarding the “mistreatment” of Christians. His comments came after a motion was put forward last week by Senator Michael McDowell calling on the Government to act against human rights abuses in the country.

“I would like him to publicly express concern about the way Christians are being mistreated under the Chinese authorities’ new regulations for religious affairs, including crosses being removed, churches being raided and closed and pastors and spiritual leaders being arrested.

“I ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs to raise the matter with the Chinese ambassador to Ireland.”


Scottish charity admits to discriminating against Christian churches

Scotland’s largest grant-awarding charity has been forced to apologise for discriminating against two Christian groups.

The Robertson Trust, which distributes £20 million a year, was due to contest a case of religious discrimination in court this month.

Instead, it has apologised and agreed a settlement with the Stirling Free Church and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The decision, recorded in a joint minute at Glasgow sheriff court, follows a two-year battle with the charity, which had cancelled bookings by both groups because they were for religious events.

In November 2019 Shonaig Macpherson, the former chairwoman of the trust, was “incandescent” with anger after she discovered that one of its venues had been booked by Stirling Free Church, where Kenneth Ferguson, the charity’s chief executive, was a senior lay figure.

An employment hearing heard that Macpherson repeatedly highlighted the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage. She heckled Ferguson and turned her back on him at a trust meeting the following January, and two months later he was sacked.

This summer the tribunal found Ferguson had been unfairly dismissed. Macpherson stepped down from the trust in October. She was due to leave in 2023.

Slovenian Court fails to protect free speech for pro-life NGO

In a blow for the right to freedom of expression, a court in Slovenia has ruled that an NGO, whose pro-life bus ads had been removed in 2018, had not been discriminated against.

The state-owned bus company, contracted by the NGO, Zavod ŽIV!M, had agreed to display their ads for a couple of months. The municipal authorities, however, had deemed the messages “We love Life!”, “You are not alone”, and “I mourn my child”, accompanied by pictures of a happy family, a grieving mother and a woman holding a pregnancy test to be “intolerant”. They instructed the bus company to remove the ads after just over a week. The national equality body found that Zavod ŽIV!M had indeed been discriminated against, but the court now criticised that initial ruling, and asked the equality body to reexamine it.

The director of the NGO, Darja Pečnik, said they want to stand by women in crisis, especially those facing unplanned pregnancies or the loss of a child. “Our bus ads were meant to show them that they are not alone. We are disappointed that the court agreed with the bus company that removed the ads. Our message, which celebrates life, should be celebrated, and instead we have faced discrimination for it.”