News Roundup

Legal expert argues that Ganley case should be heard despite ending of worship-ban

The constitutional challenge to the restrictions on public worship should proceed despite the most onerous measures having already been lifted.

That’s according to a prominent expert in Constitutional law at Trinity College Dublin.

On Tuesday, Judge Charles Meenan said he saw no point in hearing the case, but he agreed to consider submissions on whether he should rule it moot or not and gave the parties until Jun 22nd to return to court.

Weighing in on the matter, Professor David Kenny said the case should proceed for numerous reasons: “1. the State agreed it wouldn’t raise mootness; 2. there is no guarantee these restrictions won’t be reintroduced; 3. using mootness like this would make almost any COVID regs impossible to challenge… on constitutional grounds as you couldn’t possibly get a full hearing in time; and 4. the fact that the issue is now moot doesn’t at all impact on the court’s ability to judge it’s constitutionality or proportionality. This case should go ahead”.


President of Malta: I would rather resign than sign abortion bill

Maltese President George Vella has said he would rather resign than sign a bill concerning abortion.

“I will never sign a bill that involves the authorisation of murder,” Vella said in comments to Net News, stating that his position on the matter has always been clear.

“I cannot stop the executive from deciding, that is up to Parliament.  But I do have the liberty, if I don’t agree with a bill, to resign and go home, I have no problem doing this.”

Vella, who is a doctor by profession, has frequently spoken out against abortion. Asked whether there were any exceptions where one might consider abortion permissible, Vella said there were no half measures to murder.

“You have either killed or not killed, there can be no half death. I’m very clear, there are no ifs and buts.”

Last week independent MP Marlene Farrugia presented a bill to parliament calling for the decriminalisation of abortion, a move lauded by pro-choice activists and condemned by pro-life organisations.


German legislators overwhelmingly reject transgender self-ID laws

Bills by the opposition Free Democratic Party and the Greens that would have permitted people to change their legal gender based on their own say-so were rejected on Wednesday evening by large majorities in Germany’s Bundestag.

The bill by the liberal FDP was voted down 181 to 461, while the Green’s draft was defeated 118 to 456. Both called for a system that would allow self-determination for those aged 14 and above.

Germany already allows for a change of one’s legal sex, but activists complain that the process is onerous.

A person must show that he or she has lived for at least three years as their preferred gender and that there is a high possibility that this will not change. They also require two assessments from two different psychological experts that confirm that it is a serious request. After that, they have to apply to a judge and if everything is approved, the change can proceed without requiring any sex reassignment surgery.

Trans identified males are already competing in women‘s sports and have access to many women-only spaces.


Judge will rule in June on whether Ganley case is moot

A High Court judge is considering whether to throw out a case by businessman Declan Ganley over a Covid-19 prohibition on religious worship as the restrictions have now lapsed.

Mr Justice Charles Meenan has said he sees no point in fixing a hearing date for the action as he considered it to be moot now.

However, he agreed to receive submissions from both sides on whether the case should continue regardless.

The matter will return to court “for mention” on June 22nd where he is expected to issue his ruling.

The case was first taken last November. In December, the question of mootness was raised when the ban on public worship was briefly ended, but the case was allowed to continue.

Counsel for Mr Ganley said the State then took some four months to put in its evidence by which time the regulations which replaced the ones initially challenged had also lapsed.

There is no guarantee there will not be further lockdowns and Mr Ganley has been very prejudiced by how the State has gone about the litigation, he added.


Christian Ethics can be an ‘ally’ in the fight against bullying, says Senator

A Christian ethos in education can be a help rather than a hindrance in the fight against bullying, an Oireachtas committee has heard.

Independent NUI Senator Ronan Mullen was speaking at a session of the Oireachtas committee which focused on bullying and the impact on mental health.

He said he disagreed with attempts to draw a “causal link” between RSE in schools – where it did not meet the aspirations of some students and parents – and bullying.

The Christian Gospel “has provided much of the inspiration and the rationalisation of so much that we take for granted as being necessary for an education system, particularly in the whole area of inclusion”.

He said while the ethics around human sexuality will always be contested, it remained that the Christian gospel was one of unconditional love and inclusivity.

“It seems to be that they are among your biggest allies in the fight against bullying and there is a real danger of demonising them if you portray their ideas and values as somehow causative of bullying.”


Claims of invalid do not resuscitate notices ‘deeply concerning’, says TD

There are grave concerns that some “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) notices were invalid and could have cost lives.

Aontú Leader & Meath West TD Peadar Tóibín raised the issue after speaking with many concerned families and constituents.

He said he found it deeply concerning that there are increasing numbers of families alleging that DNR notices have appeared in the medical files of their family members despite never having given their consent.

“This raises serious question as to how this seems to have happened with far too much regularity to be accidental. Is there a lack of clear guidelines or protocol around the consent required? Or, are medical personnel taking matters into their own hands in terms of DNR notices? One family spoke to me, told me how the Mater Hospital had recorded in their mother’s medical file that their mother should not be resuscitated if the circumstance should arrive. However, this consent was not given by any of those family members. When the matter was raised with the Mater Hospital, they stated DNR consent had been discussed with the family. The family dispute this and claim it never was discussed. How can there be such a divergence in accounts of that consent when it comes to such a fundamental issue such as whether or not to save a person’s life or not?”

“How widespread is this issue? Why is it occurring? How many lives have been lost because a DNR Notice was incorrectly inserted in their medical file? There needs to be a comprehensive review of these allegations to ensure that lives are not lost against a family’s wishes.”


Irish study found that family structure matters for adolescent behaviour

Family structure has a significant and consistent relationship with adolescent behaviour, with poorer outcomes for those in lone-parent families or families that experienced separation, according to a new report from the ESRI.

The ‘Risk and Protective Factors in Adolescent Behaviour’ Report examines the role of family, school and neighbourhood characteristics in (mis)behaviour among young people.

It found a significant pattern of difference between boys and girls: “Marked gender differences were found in the types of behaviour analysed. Males were more likely to display externalising, antisocial and school (mis)behaviour; females had higher levels of prosocial behaviour but were more likely to internalise difficulties”.

The Report noted that while difficulties were found to be more prevalent among young people from families with lower levels of education and who had experienced financial strain during the last recession, it said “there were few consistent relationships between family advantage (measured in terms of social class, parental education and income) and school-based or antisocial behaviour”.

However, it said: “Family structure emerged as having a significant and consistent relationship with adolescent behaviour, with poorer behaviour across all domains for those in lone parent families or families that experienced separation during the young person’s adolescence. This pattern held even taking account of the socio-economic characteristics of these households and was not fully explained by other factors”.


US Supreme Court to hear major abortion case

The US Supreme Court is set to hear a major abortion case that will give the justices an opportunity to reconsider the precedent set by the landmark Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey decisions.

The Court on Monday announced it would examine a Mississippi law passed in 2018 that bans abortions after 15 weeks with limited exceptions.

The law was blocked by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals as under existing precedent, states may not ban abortions before foetal viability, which is typically around 22 weeks or later.

The Justices agreed to hear only one of three parts of an appeal—whether all pre-viability restrictions on abortion are unconstitutional—setting aside two broader questions.

However, legal analyst Ed Whelan said the Court certainly did not foreclose itself from determining wider issues such as what standard of review applies to Mississippi’s law—whether the validity of a pre-viability law “should be analyzed under an ‘undue burden’ standard or a ‘balancing of benefits and burdens’”.

“Indeed, it’s difficult to see how the Court could decide the case without addressing that threshold issue,” he said.


Former Taoiseach urges acknowledgement of Ireland’s debt to religious

People should remember the contribution religious orders have made to Irish education and other services, according to former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

Speaking on a Podcast with Martina Purdy and Elaine Kelly, Mr Ahern spoke of the extensive religious presence in his native Drumcondra in Dublin as he grew up.

Asked what his parents would think of the Ireland of today, Mr Ahern said he thinks they would have difficulty with the lack of recognition religious orders get for the work they’ve done and the institutions they’ve put in place.

“I think it’s important for people nowadays, and this is where my mother and father would have difficulty,” Mr Ahern said, continuing, “all of these religious orders and institutions ran very important services for the State, whether they were priests or whether they were students doing education.

“Where the Rosminian fathers are now is ChildVision, but they educated the people with visually impaired eyesight, but all of these things at one stage were run by religious orders and I think sometimes people forget that we mightn’t have a lot of these educational institutions or services if it wasn’t for religious orders,” he said.

“I think people should remember that.”


Pope Francis: putting money before children is ‘gangrene’ for society

Pope Francis urged Europeans to see children as a valuable gift.

Speaking at “The General State of the Birth Rate” event in Rome on Friday, he said the very low number of births and the appalling numbers of the pandemic call for change and responsibility. The birth rate in all European countries, including Italy is well below replacement level.

He encouraged people to instill in the young a desire to pursue their dreams, to sacrifice themselves for others, and to do good in the world.

Sometimes, he said, the message that is transmitted is that “fulfillment means making money and success, while children seem almost a diversion, which must not hinder their personal aspirations.”

This mentality is gangrene for society and makes the future unsustainable,” he underlined.

The live-streamed event included presentations from company executives, journalists, actors, athletes, and Italian political leaders, including Prime Minister Mario Draghi, reflecting on the problem of Italy’s birth rate, which is one of the lowest in Europe at 1.24.

In his address, Pope Francis said that “if families are not at the center of the present, there will be no future; but if families restart, everything restarts.”