Pope Francis’ Secretary of State has encouraged bishops in Europe to evaluate legislative proposals in light of their impact on human life and the wellbeing of the family founded on marriage.
“The recognition of the sacred and inviolable dignity of every human life from conception until its natural end is of particular importance, and to this should be linked the defense and promotion of the family, the true cell of society, founded on the stable union of a man and a woman,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin said in his address to the plenary assembly of European bishops.
Parolin spoke to the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) Speaking via livestream, he said that Europe today needed to return to some of the basic principles of Catholic social teaching that were “at the heart of the European Project.” This includes understanding people not as radical individuals, but as social beings with responsibilities to others.
“The prevailing concept of person here, as in other more worrying recent developments in state legislation like, for example, those linked to euthanasia or those which put marriage on the same level as other types of unions, is a solitary or monadic one, detached from the idea of belonging to a community, composed of a plurality of subjects who do, indeed, have rights, but also duties.”