Former Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael, John Bruton, has urged people to vote ‘No’ in the upcoming referendum on the Eighth amendment.
Speaking on RTÉ’s Today with Sean O’Rourke, Mr Bruton said he trusts the Irish people to uphold human rights and to be recognise that there are two lives involved. He said the Government was going too far to allow abortion without restriction up to 12 weeks and on the grounds of mental health up to six months. “That is the ending of a little Irish life, a little Irish boy or girl.” While Mr Bruton favours retaining the Eighth amendment in its entirety, he said the Government had other options and could have gone for a more restrictive regime. “I cannot understand why they came up with something so liberal.”
He said lives were being saved because abortion was not available in Ireland. People who might have contemplated abortion but did not have one were then happy to keep their baby when they saw it.
On the issue of pregnancy as a result of rape, Mr Bruton spoke of recovery from a trauma, and said “traumatising somebody is awful, but it’s not as final as killing somebody”.
In relation to babies with life-limiting conditions, Mr Bruton said that mistakes can be made, adding: “We should be cautious … when in doubt opt for life”.
Having a law that gives protection to the unborn in the Constitution is entirely consistent with the general philosophy of the Irish people, he said. “I want to ensure that a baby has the freedom to live, and has the freedom to make choices in its own life having been born, because a baby whose life is cut off before it’s born isn’t free to choose anything”.