News Roundup

Repeal of the Eighth ‘will constitute consent’ for liberal abortion regime, says campaign spokesperson

Repealing the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution will constitute consent for Ireland to have a “liberal abortion regime”, the Save the 8th campaign has said.
Speaking on The Irish Times’s Inside Politics podcast, the campaign’s communications director, John McGuirk, said many people were unaware of the implications of a vote for repeal. Most voters believed they were supporting legislation allowing for abortions in cases of rape, incest and fatal foetal abnormalities, not terminations of “healthy babies of healthy mothers up to 12 weeks and beyond”, he claimed. The legislation outlined by the Government would allow unrestricted abortion for the first three months of pregnancy, and abortion on vague ‘mental health’ grounds up to the sixth month of pregnancy. That mental health ground accounts for 98% of the abortions carried out in the UK where there is one abortion for every four live births.


Archbishop Martin Eamon reaffirms value and attainability of marriage

Speaking at a conference in Rome, he said “We believe that the Church’s proclamation of the family – founded on a faithful loving relationship between a man and a woman which is open to the gift of children who are the fruit of that love – is Good News for society and the world”.  He added, “There is no getting away, however, from the fact that communicating the family in this way can appear increasingly counter-cultural in many parts of the world, including Ireland”. This was due, he said, to a departure in understanding the philosophical underpinning of marriage and the family and an erosion of constitutional and legislative support for tradtional marriage.
The Archbishop affirmed, however, that the age-old model of family is still to be prized and pursued by all. ” We proclaim the Gospel of the Family because we believe in it, and we also believe that, with the help of God, it is attainable”.
He continued: “Pope Francis put it powerfully when he said: ‘The Church, with a renewed sense of responsibility, continues to propose marriage in its essentials – offspring, good of the couple, unity, indissolubility, sacramentality – not as ideal only for a few – notwithstanding modern models centred on the ephemeral and the transient – but as a reality that, in the grace of Christ, can be experienced by all the baptized faithful’”.

Repeal would lead to ‘wanton destruction of human rights’ 

The eminent journalist and critic, Bruce Arnold, has published a scathing critique of the proposal to repeal the Eighth Amendment from the Constitution. Writing in the Irish Independent, Mr Arnold said the Supreme Court has adopted a form of jurisprudence that has denied the natural foundations of human rights and has gradually eroded even the rights that the Constitution does recognise. He mentioned in particular the recent case where the Supreme Court unanimously denied that the Constitution recognises any rights of the unborn child beyond life itself, and refused to admit that the unborn qualified as a child, enjoying a host of children’s rights under Article 42A. “To hold that human rights suddenly become natural and imprescriptible on cutting the umbilical cord is an irrational superstition”, he said. This meant that the Court refused to recognise that the unborn child had any inherent or implied human rights whatsoever and if the minimal safegaurd of the 8th amendment were repealed, and replaced with an implied right to elective abortion, “the unborn child will be utterly devoide of any protection in Irish law”.
He concluded: “It leaves me in no doubt that to repeal Article 40.3.3 would be to complete the wanton destruction of human rights in our constitution, not to mention the countless human lives that would be lost.”

Sinn Féin shelve homelessness crisis response to campaign for abortion

Sinn Féin are putting on hold their threat of moving a vote of no-confidence in Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy in order to concentrate on campaigning for repeal of the Eighth Amendment and introducing a radical abortion regime into the Republic. Despite the homelessness crisis looming so karge on the political horizon and what they consider the abject failure of the Government to adequately tackle it, Sinn Féin President, Mary Lou McDonald, told RTE yesterday the party will not make a move against the Housing Minister because there are more important matters to see to first.
“Obviously in the time ahead, the issue of the Eighth Amendment, and the campaign, will be of huge importance for all of us. We regard it as crucially important that we win this debate. It’s not a party political matter, it’s much, much more significant and important than that. And with that in mind, we won’t at this time be moving a confidence motion in respect of Minister Eoghan Murphy because there is a very important referendum campaign to be fought”.

Save the 8th ask TV stations to show video of 12 week old unborn child

The Save the 8th campaign has called on Irish television stations to show a video-scan of a living, child in the womb at 12 weeks gestation as part of their referendum coverage. The video is featured in a social media campaign promoted to Facebook users over the age of 18 in Ireland.

Speaking about the campaign, Save the 8th’s Niamh Ui Bhriain said: “It is important that this debate is informed and that people have access to basic information. The Government is asking us to legalise abortion for any reason up to three months”.

Ms Ui Bhriain said a fully informed debate need not show graphic images, or upsetting images, but it should show, at a very basic level, what a child in the womb at that age looks like. “Every mother who has had a child in the modern era has seen one of these scans – but most voters have not. The scan shows clearly a developing child, with the identifiable form of a human being, moving and kicking inside the womb”.

She said the Irish people are being asked to give their approval for a proposal that would allow such children to be legally killed. She added that, while many people believe that at 12 weeks, they are voting on “a clump of cells”, the simplest look at a 12 week scan proves this to be untrue.

She concluded: “We are calling on RTE and TV3 to include a video of such a scan in their television coverage of the referendum campaign. If they want a fully informed electorate, they will do so.”


Lawyers argue Repeal of 8th will leave the unborn with ‘no rights’

A group of Lawyers have argued that repeal of the Eighth Amendment would remove all constitutional protection from the unborn and clear the way for an expansive abortion regime. in a letter in yesterday’s Irish Examiner, the lawyers said he Supreme Court has clarified in the recent case, M v Minister for Justice, that the unborn have no constitutional rights apart from the Eighth Amendment. They said the Government is proposing an abortion regime that is comparable with that in Britain and is even more extensive than it during the first 12 weeks. With the Eighth Amendment repealed, they wrote, “it would be impossible to challenge successfully the constitutionality of this expansive abortion regime and it may prove very difficult to prevent a future Oireachtas from widening the grounds for abortion even beyond the current expansive proposal”.

Furthermore, they wrote: “The citing of hard cases is not relevant to the proposal in this upcoming referendum. We are not being asked to vote for abortion in certain limited cases, we are clearly being asked to remove all constitutional rights from unborn humans”. They concluded: “We all value our own life. To set at nought the value given to the lives of any cohort of humans is chilling. The enormity of the decision we are about to make as a people cannot be overstated”.


Abortion a “key right” for the intellectually disabled

Access to abortion is a “key right” for people with intellectual disabilities, according to Inclusion Ireland, the national association for people with an intellectual disability. The group is taking an official position against the Eighth Amendment, and will be campaigning for its repeal. This is despite the fact that in overseas jurisdictions abortion disproportionately targets unborn children with disabilities.

“One of the key rights we’ve been campaigning for when it comes to rights for women with intellectual disabilities, is whether or not to have children and how to space them”, said the group’s CEO, Paddy Connolly. He said said that the Eighth Amendment imposes a restriction on bodily autonomy, amounting to a “human rights abuse”, because it prevents women from making choices about reproduction. This impacts women with intellectual disability more profoundly than other women as their ability to travel to the UK for abortion is limited.

The move was criticised by campaigners in support of the eighth amendment.


Prominent journalist calls for Church to marry same-sex couples

A former TV3 political correspondent has called on the Catholic Church to provide full sacramental marriage for same-sex couples. Ursula Halligan, who came out as gay prior to the Marriage referendum in 2015 and campaigned for its passage, was attending a conference for Catholic reform groups at the weekend ahead of the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) in Dublin in August. She described herself as a “person of faith and a committed Catholic”, but said the Church’s teaching on same-sex relationships was “deeply insulting and offensive”.
“I believe my love is as good as anyone else’s love and as a Catholic I’m looking for full sacramental marriage for same-sex couples,” she added. The Church’s teaching on divorce and remarriage was also attacked.


Minister under fire for campaigning with activist who said ‘glad ex-TD is dead’

The Government Minister heading Fine Gael’s Repeal the Eighth campaign has been sharply criticised for sharing a platform with a pro-choice activist who sent a tweet celebrating the death of former TD Peter Mathews.

The participation by Culture Minister Josepha Madigan in the Roscommon launch of the Together for Yes campaign has been labelled an “error of judgment” by No campaigners.

She is due to speak at the event with Janet Ní Shúilleabháin, an abortion activist who was formerly part of the Abortion Rights Campaign. Ms Ní Shúilleabháin previously greeted the death of former Fine Gael TD Peter Mathews by tweeting: “Frankly I am glad he is dead.” Mr Mathews was a pro-life politician who lost the party whip when he voted against the Abortion Act of 2013. At the time, columnists asked why Ms Ní Shúilleabháin was not vilified for her comments when others were hounded out of their positions for remarks regarded as equally egregious.


Pro-choice lawyers attacked over claim we could still limit abortion law

An American Professor of Law has strongly challenged the argument by pro-choice lawyers that the Oireachtas could still enact protections for the unborn child and thereby restrict abortion in the event of the Eighth amendment being repealed from the Constitution. In a letter to The Irish Times, the 60 lawyers and law students claimed that despite the ruling by the US Supreme Court in Roe v Wade in 1973 , State legislatures could still “regulate abortion access” and that, as a result, “many American States now have very conservative abortion laws”.

However, in an opinion piece in today’s Irish Times, Carter Snead, professor of law and political science at the University of Notre Dame in the US, said this is simply not the case. Indeed, not only has the US Supreme Court repeatedly struck down the attempts of individual States to impose even modest restrictions on abortion law, but it has rendered the US regime among the seven most extreme in the World, along with the likes of China and North Korea, according to a recent fact-check by the Washington Post.