News Roundup

Minister ‘inspired’ by visit of ‘gender non-binary’ teens

Government Minister, Regina Doherty, said she felt “inspired” after visiting the offices of BeLonGTo which deals with LGBT young people aged between 14 and 23. It is lobbying to make it easier for minors to be legally recognised as their preferred sex, including the category ‘gender, non-binary’ which means the person identifies as neither male nor female.

Of her visit, the Minister said: “I learned from the experts. I heard first-hand of the experiences of being a trans or non-binary young person in Ireland. And I heard from a fantastic mother who explained the trans issue from her perspective.” Doherty added: “I felt so inspired listening to these young people. They were so articulate, so self-aware, so insightful and so brave. And even though they have been hurt by their experiences, they were optimistic, and witty, and even compassionate for those in our society who don’t yet appreciate what it means to be trans or non-binary”.

After the meeting, Doherty, who is the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, said that she would examine the position of non-binary and young trans people in a review of the 2016 Gender Recognition Act. Under the terms of that Act, an applicant who is 18 years or over is entitled to legally change their sex on all official documents upon request. It also provides for those aged 16 and 17 to apply to a court for an exemption from the minimum age of 18, which the court may grant without the consent of parents.

The proposed new law would allow small children to ‘transition’ from one sex to another if they have the permission of their parents and the approval of doctors.


Unified voice of the Churches needed on ethical issues, says Archbishop Eamon Martin

The witness of Christian hope means that people need to hear a unified voice of all the Churches speaking together on the important moral issues of our time, said the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin. He was speaking on Sunday at the Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh where he had been invited to speak on “reconciling the Reformation” by Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Richard Clarke.
Commenting on the history of division in the Churches and the more recent trend of secularisation and decline in religious practice, he said the various Christian Churches need to work together for the sake of providing an eloquent witness of Christian hope. “We therefore present to public discourse our consistent Christian conviction about the sacredness of all human life and the dignity of the person, about the centrality of the family, about solidarity and the need for a fair distribution of goods in the world, about a society that is marked by peace, justice and care for all, especially the most vulnerable.”
It also meant finding “new ways of presenting our sincerely held perspectives alongside those of other faiths and none in conversations about significant issues and values”. Such engagement was “made all the stronger if we do it together and, where possible, when we have a unified voice on the key ethical issues of our time”.

Recording people’s sex may no be longer required on UK census

In a radical embrace of gender theory at the expense of vital statistics, the UK may no longer require Census respondents to state whether they are male or female on the census form due to protests that it discriminates against transgender and other non-binary people.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the existing census question was “considered to be irrelevant, unacceptable and intrusive, particularly to trans participants, due to asking about sex rather than gender”. An alternative proposal — to add a third choice of “other” — was rejected as “irrelevant and intrusive”, with the “other” category “thought to homogenise trans people and differentiate them from the rest of society”. The final option, a two-step design with separate sex and gender identity questions, was also rejected.
The report instead recommended that the existing census question should no longer be mandatory. In the last census, only one single question was not mandatory and that concerned a person’s religion. Accuracy in the census is considered a vital matter such that it is a criminal offence not to complete the census, or to give false information, with more than 100 people convicted in the UK of that offence in 2011 alone. The story was broken by the Sunday Times. Leading feminist, Germaine Greer, said biological women were “losing out everywhere”. She added: “I’m sick and tired of this. We keep arguing that women have won everything they need to win. They haven’t even won the right to exist.” Stephanie Davies-Arai, a feminist activist, said: “Women’s biological sex is being erased and that terrifies me. Once you stop gathering information, that skews everything for women.”

Irish Times poll shows clear rejection of liberal abortion regime

A liberal abortion law based on the recommendations of the Citizen’s Assembly, allowing abortion without restriction up to 22 weeks, would be roundly defeated if it were put to the people according to the findings of a new Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI opinion poll.

Voters were asked what kind of referendum they would like to see on abortion and were offered three options: amending the Constitution to allow for abortion “in all circumstances … up to the 22nd week of pregnancy”, or to allow it “in limited circumstances such as fatal foetal abnormality, rape or real risk to the life of the woman”; or if they preferred “no referendum at all”. Less than a quarter of voters (24 per cent) favoured the more liberal option, while a majority (57 per cent) were in favour of the more limited option. 10 per cent said they didn’t want a referendum at all and 8 per cent said they didn’t know.

Regarding how they would vote in such referendaa, half of voters say they would vote against the liberal abortion proposal, just over a third (35 per cent) would support it, while 15 per cent are don’t-knows. On the other hand, a large majority (70 per cent) say they would vote in favour of the limited option with just 17 per cent against.


Abortion committee under pressure to make key decision on referendum next week

The Oireachtas Committee on abortion has been asked to decide next week whether the Constitution should be amended to transfer all power on abortion law to the legislative process of the Oireachtas and away from the Courts. This was a key recommendation of the Citizens’ Assembly to ensure that the Dáil and Seanad could legislate freely on the subject, without fear of being overturned by the Courts, and would thereby ensure certainty in the law. The proposal was the most far-reaching of the Assembly and viewed as an attempt to absolutely copperfasten a liberal abortion regime in legislation that would follow upon repeal of the Eighth Amendment. So far the Committee tasked with deciding the way forward has heard expert testimony on whether the Eighth Amendment should be repealed, amended or replaced. That first module will conclude next week, and then the committee will proceed to consider possible legislation that could follow upon a successful referendum. PBP member of the committee, Ruth Coppinger, TD, has asked that the body decide next Wednesday what kind of referendum to hold, rather than wait until the end of the committee’s work in December. Ms Coppinger said the idea that the committee should listen to witnesses on an issue now and then wait two months before issuing a decision was “ridiculous”. “My feeling is the committee should make a recommendation on the Eighth Amendment before we move on,” she said before last Wednesday’s session.


International law does not require us to change our abortion law says Prof Binchy

Former Trinity College law professor William Binchy has told the Oireachtas Committee on abortion that Ireland has no obligation under international agreements to change its abortion regime. Human rights expert, Christina Zampas, however, said various international human rights bodies have said Ireland’s anti-abortion laws restricted the rights of women. The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission went much further again and recommended not only that the eighth amendment be repealed in its entirety but that it should be replaced by a radical abortion regime funded by the public purse. Chief commissioner for the IHREC, Emily Logan, however, rejected the use of the term “abortion on demand”, calling it inappropriate and said she preferred the term “requesting healthcare”.

“I don’t hear anything about men ‘demanding healthcare’, so I don’t see why it should be used for women,” she said.


Women-only Cambridge college to accept men who ‘identify as female’

A women-only college at the University of Cambridge has changed its policy to allow men who “identify” as female to apply. Previously an applicant had to be legally defined as female, but Murray Edwards College has now updated its entry criteria so that it will accept any student “who at the point of application identifies as a woman”. Germaine Greer, a leading feminist and former lecturer at the women-only Newnham College, has described the decision as “ridiculous”.

“It’s a difficult relationship, having a transgender person in an all-female environment. If [Murray Edwards] really don’t believe that gender is binary, then they really shouldn’t be a single sex college. Their position is ridiculous. The only sane thing for them to do is to cease discriminating on the basis of assigned gender of any kind,” she told The Daily Telegraph.

Dr Joanna Williams of the University of Kent said that the decision marked the end of women-only spaces. “If some women want to have a women-only space, if they choose to be there, they should have every right to do that. To then learn that you’re sharing your dormitory, your bathroom with someone who is biologically male is an infringement on your right to choose the right the educational environment [for you].”

Academics from the college defended the move, saying it is a recognition of the fact that “how we define women is changing”.



Irish Human Rights Commission calls for widespread and free abortion

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has called on the Government to introduce a referendum to entirely delete the Eighth Amendment and to legislate for widespread access to publicly-funded abortion. The proposal is contained in a submission the body has made to the Joint Oireachtas committee on abortion. The commission, set up to monitor and advise the Government on human rights issues, is an independent public body established by statute whose purpose is “to protect and promote human rights and equality in Ireland and build a culture of respect for human rights, equality and intercultural understanding in the State”. Previously, they had only ever echoed the recommendations of UN committees that Ireland should legislate for abortion in cases of serious foetal impairment. Now for the first time, they recommend that abortion should be made widely available and be publicly funded, and that it should be available on demand rather than based on specific grounds. They do not recommend specific term limits but do say that any such limits should be “necessary, proportionate, and should have due regard to a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, and her right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”.


Growing trend of transgender regret, reversing sex-change surgery and detransitioning

A world-leading genital reconstructive surgeon is seeing a rising stream of people wishing to reverse their sex-change surgeries. So far, Professor Miroslav Djordjevic’s patients have been men who had their male genitalia removed to facilitate their transition to the sex they claim to be but now regret their transition and want to reverse the surgery. Reattaching the male genitalia is a complex procedure and takes several operations over the course of a year to fully complete, at a cost of some 18,000 euros. Those wishing the reversal, Djordjevic says, have spoken to him about crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide. “It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,” says the 52-year-old. And yet, in the main part, they are not being heard as there is a taboo surrounding the subject. Recently a University in the UK rejected a proposal to study transgender regret as the subject was deemed “potentially politically incorrect” and fears that social media criticism could impact the reputation of the institution. “Definitely, reversal surgery and regret in transgender persons is one of the very hot topics,” he says. “Generally, we have to support all research in this field.” Following conversations with those upon whom he has helped perform reversals, Djordjevic says he has real concerns about the level of psychiatric evaluation and counselling that people receive elsewhere before gender reassignment first takes place. While the World Professional Association for Transgender Health guidelines currently state nobody under the age of 18 should undergo surgery, Prof Djordjevic fears this age limit could soon be reduced to include minors. Were that to happen, he says, he would refuse to abide by the rules. “I’m afraid what will happen five to 10 years later with this person,” he says. “It is more than about surgery; it’s an issue of human rights. I could not accept them as a patient as I’d be afraid what would happen to their mind.”

Cabinet to preview legislation to enable and subsidise surrogacy

The Minister for Health, Simon Harris, is presenting to cabinet a memo on legislation to enable and regulate the practice of surrogacy in Ireland. Separately, he will also present plans to make subsidies available to pay for IVF services.

It is understood Mr Harris will commit to outlawing commercial surrogacy and the payment for egg, sperm or embryo donors. The memo will provide for an ethical framework with clear rules for the welfare of the child, woman and informed consent. The proposed legislation would also deal with other aspects of assisted human reproduction including the use of donor gametes and IVF.

The Minister will also commit to detailing a policy direction for State funding for fertility treatment. This will entail outlining the criteria by which an individual, or a couple, can receive financial assistance. It would not be limited to those with medical cards, nor dependent on the level of personal income. The Minister is examining state-funding of fertility treatment in Britain as a model to inform his proposed scheme for this country.