News Roundup

Same-sex couple wins surrogate custody battle

A same-sex couple has won a custody battle in Thailand for a surrogate baby born to a woman who changed her mind on the arrangement when she discovered the couple was gay. The Bangkok Family Court ruled that US-born Gordon Lake, the biological father, has legitimate guardianship of the child, which was born before Thailand banned commercial surrogacy. Thailand does not recognise same-sex marriage.


NI Bishops tell voters it is ‘never morally acceptable’ to support a policy that attacks the right to life

The Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland have told Catholic voters ahead of the Assembly Election there that “the social and moral teaching of the Church is clear, that it is never morally acceptable to support any policy that undermines the sacred inviolability of the right to life of an innocent person in any circumstances”.  They make the comment in a Pastoral Reflection on the forthcoming elections. The document offers 10 questions “which Catholics are encouraged to ask candidates who are standing in the Assembly elections”.


Northern Ireland abortion restrictions ‘ridiculous’ – David Steele

Lord David Steel, the British former MP who introduced the Abortion Act in 1967 has described Northern Ireland’s ongoing protection of the unborn as “simply ridiculous”. The peer was speaking during an interview to mark the 48th anniversary of the Abortion Act. Criticising Northern Ireland politicians for what he claimed is discrimination against women, Lord Steel said: “I think they’ve got to face up to the fact the law in Northern Ireland is simply ridiculous…It is time they came up at least to 1967, if not to 2016.” When David Steele introduced his Bill in 1967 he admitted later he never anticipated it would pave the way to almost 200,000 abortions in the UK each year.


Mother’s nurturing linked to greater brain development in children

Pre-school children who receive motherly support display brain development at twice the rate of neglected youngsters, a new study has shown. Specifically, the study, conducted by researchers at America’s Washington University reveals that children nurtured by their mothers show more growth in the hippocampus, that region of the brain linked to learning, memory and the regulation of emotions. “The parent-child relationship during the preschool period is vital,” said Dr Joan Luby, author of the study’s findings


Same-sex couple gains joint guardianship of daughter

A same-sex couple has been granted guardianship of a daughter born to one of them, effectively offering legal recognition to the unit as a family. Marie Cloke-Hayes gave birth to a daughter in 2012 in a pregnancy made possible by sperm donation. Now, a judge at Ennis Courthouse has used provisions of the the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015 to extend guardianship rights to Marie’s wedded partner, Angela.



Majority of Americans oppose gender choice on toilet facilities

A majority of Americans believe transgender people should use the toilet facility corresponding with their biological sex and not their chosen gender identity. The finding has come from a new poll conducted by Reuters which showed that 45% of people hold the belief, against 40.9% who would allow for gender choice. The results also showed a decrease in support for gender choice over facilities from a previous poll two weeks previously.



Bishop calls on Catholics to reject pro-abortion candidates

A US Bishop has urged Catholics to vote pro-life in the forthcoming presidential election. In a Facebook post, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Rhode Island wrote: “I encourage faithful Catholics to vote pro-life – and never to vote for any candidate, of any party, who supports abortion. And don’t be fooled by those who say they ‘aren’t pro-abortion, but are just pro-choice’. It’s a smoke screen for what they really believe, but are afraid to admit.”


Norway priests to end role in civil marriages because of same-sex marriage

Catholic priests in Norway will no longer officiate at civil weddings so as to avoid pressure on the issue of same-sex weddings. Bishop Bernt Eidsvig of Oslo revealed that the decision had been reached after the Lutheran Church in Norway voted to accept same-sex marriages, raising the prospect of the government pressurising other faith communities to do the same, “so the best option is for us to stop conducting marriages on the state’s behalf”.

America urged to act now on Islamic State genocide

The Knights of Columbus in America have said that the country must now act against the actions of Islamic State against Christians and other minorities following their labelling as ‘genocide’ by Congress. Speaking before a congressional committee, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson warned that if Christians disappear from the Middle East as is Islamic State’s plan, “pluralism and stability leave with them”.

Chinese leader warns of ‘religious infiltration’

China’s President Xi Jinping has warned his country to be on guard against infiltration of the nation through religion. State media reports that during a high level meeting, Mr Xi stated: “We must resolutely resist overseas infiltration through religious means and guard against ideological infringement by extremists.” The President also pushed for greater management of the internet towards promoting the Communist Party’s own theories on religion.