The report has been issued by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) following the public consultation. It noted that the draft refers to ‘values’ several times and that the subject is clearly values-based, but does not state explicitly the values which underpin the updated SPHE course.
Some parents expressed strong criticism, with some pointing out “that gender identity is a highly contested and sensitive topic” which may lead to confusion and even harm for some adolescents.
They also alleged that the NCCA is seeking to promote ‘gender ideology’ by refusing to acknowledge the binary nature of gender.
The report said these respondents “are strongly of the view that we are born as either male or female and that sex is binary and immutable”.
Some parents were also “concerned about the lack of reference to morality, moral teachings or family values and would like to see the specification reflect a school’s right to teach topics in a manner that aligns with the school’s ethos and values”. Others “questioned the legitimacy of schools providing SPHE/RSE as they saw this as usurping the role of parents as educators of their children.”