Pope Francis has warned again about a coming ‘demographic winter’ in Europe.
Speaking yesterday to the Vatican’s Diplomatic Corps, he stated: “Tragically, we increasingly witness the emergence of a ‘fear’ of life, which translates in many places into a fear of the future and a difficulty in creating families and bringing children into the world. In some contexts, I think for example of Italy, there is a dangerous fall in the birth-rate, a veritable demographic winter, which endangers the very future of society.”
Responding to his comments, Vincenzo Bassi, President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations. said: “The demographic issue concerns all, and it is appropriate, as well as necessary, to create institutional exchanges at the European and international level with the aim of promoting a new demographic spring”.
He added: “Family policies are a direct competence of every State. But this does not prevent them from taking initiatives by mutual agreement, across political alignments, for the exchange of good practices and for the promotion of family-friendly policies”.