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Police won’t arrest clerics in churches near abortion buffer zones 

The PSNI has said it will not arrest pro-life clerics [1] giving sermons against abortion whose churches happen to lie within abortion exclusion zones.

The zones of 100-250m, which includes a prohibition against silent prayer, are now in place across Northern Ireland. Criminal sanctions apply to any breach of the law.

One zone in Belfast covers two churches, a planned mosque and an Orange hall.

However, the PSNI has now said preaching or praying against abortion within such a church will not be criminalised.

Police advised the Belfast News Letter: “Safe Access Zones only apply to the strictly designated public space areas. Places of worship within a Safe Access Zone are not public areas.”

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health the zones apply to the public areas, not to private premises including churches.

However, she said, “anyone living, working in or visiting private properties within the Safe Access Zone will be required to abide by the zone requirements when in the designated public spaces.”

In response, the group Abolish Abortion NI noted how this could impede church-goers.

“It appears that this totalitarian imposition interferes with the free expression and religious activities that are conducted outside of their premises,” the spokesman said. “This is a clear violation of freedom of expression.”