Porn-fuelled culture means 14 yr old girls now suffer highest incidence of rape

Violent pornography is “fundamentally changing” the views of young boys about sex, the home secretary has said as new figures reveal police are receiving more reports of rape from 14-year-old girls than any other age group.

In an interview with The Times, Yvette Cooper said the graphic nature of material boys are now exposed to is influencing the way they treat girls and women. She said schools and parents were failing to teach young boys what sexual behaviour was acceptable.

Figures obtained by The Times reveal that nearly a third of victims reported to the police involved girls aged 18 and under in the year to March.

Data on female rape victims disclosed by 31 of the 43 police forces in England and Wales show that 1,458 girls aged 14 reported a rape to the police in 2023-24, more than any other age group. The figures suggest that rape victims are getting younger, as in the previous year the largest group reporting the crime were 15-year-olds.