Priests and sisters refuse to leave Ukraine

With millions trying to escape Ukraine, some insist on staying behind to help those who cannot flee. Among them are the diocesan workers, volunteers, priests and religious of the Kyiv-Zhytomyr diocese.

That’s according to an International Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need.

The organisation says they are staying behind even though they realise they are risking their lives.

The charity has supported projects in the diocese for many years and has just given emergency aid of almost a quarter of a million euro due to the war.

Bishop Vitalii Kryvytsky, of the Diocese of Kyiv-Zhytomyr, is one of the many Church leaders in Ukraine who has refused to leave his flock. The Latin Catholic diocese encompasses the capital city of Kiev and the surrounding areas, which are coming under increasing pressure as Russian troops close in, in an attempt to surround the city.

Despite the immediate danger to the lives of all who stay, the clergy, led by the bishop, remain with their communities. Bishop Vitalii is adamant that at a time like this “we cannot be anywhere else”.