A pro-abortion activist disrupted Mass at a church in Michigan, USA, by standing on a pew, removing almost all her clothing and shouting pro-abortion chants [1].
“Overturn Roe? Hell, no!” the woman shouted, interrupting the priest’s homily. “Abortion without apology!” Two other women visible in the video joined her in the chants and held green cloth bandanna-like banners which often are used by activists with the pro-abortion group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights.
Ushers escorted the three women out of the church. As they were led out, a man inside the church chanted, “Abortion kills babies! Abortion kills babies!”
The episode took place at St. Veronica Parish in Eastpointe, Michigan, located about a 20-minute drive north of Detroit. The video originally was posted on TikTok and then re-posted on Twitter. A caption on the video says the disruption happened Sunday.